Women’s Fellowship & Bible Study

Thursday Mornings: 9:30am - 11:30am | Corner Room

Series: Sermon on the Mount

Contact: Rhonda Johnson (women@gracepointsd.com)

This Fall we will study and meditate on Jesus teachings in the Sermon on the Mount (using teaching and Sermon on the Mount book by Jen Wilkin which is available in book store). We will each spend time alone with God in the Scriptures during the week and then come together for time of teaching and sharing what is on our hearts.  We will pray for one another and encourage one another in our walks of faith in our everyday lives and relationships

Let’s follow him together and have loads of laughter and supportive friendship along the way.

Thursday Evenings: 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Corner Room

Series: Book of Revelation

Contact: Shana Lewis (shanamarielewis@gmail.com)

Most of us either (1) avoid Revelation due to intimidation or fear; or (2) are obsessed with every detail.  Although some details remain mysterious and debated, its focus is clear: Revelation reveals how our sovereign Lord destroys evil, rescues believers, transforms creation, and lives among His people forever.  It is a book of encouragement, hope, and strength for those under persecution or living in a chaotic world.  Join us for this deep dive into this mysterious book.  We will look at what it meant to those who first read it, what principles we can apply today, and how we are to live in light of it.